Syncable Values

Detailing all the values that can be synced via an integration.

Syncable Values

There are a number of possible values that can be synced via the integration.
As a general rule, with a few notable exceptions, if there’s a field or value for it in
Winningtemp, it can be synced via the integration.

It’s worth reiterating that these are values that are possible to sync.
There are only a few values that are actually mandatory for the
integration to be able to create the object, and these will be marked accordingly in the
list below.
Anything else can be sent as empty, or simply not be synced/included.

These values are as follows, divided by type of Data Object:

  • User Data Object (Mandatory)
    • (User) External ID - Mandatory Value - As mentioned in the section of the same
      name above, an external ID has to be a unique value that points to this user,
      now and in the future. It needs to be something that never, or rarely changes.
      Company Email, or any other value generated from an employee’s name is
      generally not recommended for this very reason. A “neutral” value, such as an
      Employee ID, or equivalent, is usually a better fit.
    • First Name - Mandatory Value - This is used to identify the user in an
      administrative capacity. It’s also used in cohesion with last name while
      welcoming the user when they log in. Can be seen by the user in their profile.
    • Last name - Mandatory Value - This is used to identify the user in an
      administrative capacity. It’s also used in cohesion with first name while
      welcoming the user when they log in. Can be seen by the user in their profile.
    • Username - Mandatory Value - Has to be unique. This is used by the user when
      logging into the system. Doesn’t have to be the user’s company email, but if
      that value is already supplied for the Email-column, it is generally
      recommended to keep it as the username as well.
    • Email - Optional Value - While technically optional, it is highly recommended
      that users be supplied with an email to get the most out of the service. Users
      lacking an email can’t reset their own password, and have to rely on logging
      into the system to respond to surveys. If an email is provided, also
      recommended as the username.
    • Title - Optional Value - Purely for administrative purposes. Doesn’t factor into
      any results, and can only be seen in the User Details.
    • Telephone - Optional Value - Any format supported. Purely for administrative
      purposes. Doesn’t factor into any results, and can only be seen in the User
    • Birthday - Optional Value - Default format: yyyy-MM-dd, but most formats
      supported if necessary. Birthday is used to calculate age, which is in turn used
      to categorize users by their appropriate Age Brackets. Age Brackets is a dynamic segment generated by the system, which allows administrators to filter results based on ranges of age.
    • Employed Since - Optional Value - Default format: yyyy-MM-dd, but most
      formats supported if necessary. Employed Since is used to calculate
      Employment Interval. Employment Interval is a dynamic segment generated by
      the system, which allows administrators to filter results based on ranges of
      employment duration. Can also be used to set up our automatic onboarding
      surveys. If a user is created/updated with an Employed Since date that is in the
      future, that user will be deactivated in the system until that date.
    • Employed Until - Optional Value - Default format: yyyy-MM-dd, but most formats
      supported if necessary. Employed Since is used to calculate Employee
      Turnover (Pro-feature), where administrators can analyze results based on how
      long the employee has left in the organization. This is most often relevant from
      point of view higher in the hierarchy, as there are seldom enough users leaving
      within a specific timeframe within a group. Can also be used to set up our
      automatic offboarding surveys. If a user is created/updated with an Employed
      Until date that is in the past, that user will be deactivated in the system.
    • Gender - Optional Value - Default format: M/Male/Man = Male,
      K/Female/Kvinna = Female, = Prefer not to answer, where usually refers to
      any value not covered by the defaults. Can be expanded to cover specific
      values if required. Gender is used to determine Gender Identity. Gender Identity
      is a dynamic segment generated by the system, which allows administrators to
      filter results based on on gender identity.
    • Group Member - Optional Value - Expected value here is a Group External ID.
      This should be the ID of the group that this user is a member of in
    • Group Admin - Optional Value - There are three mutually exclusive ways to use
      this value, but they all refer to setting the Group Admin role for a group in the
      system. Possible values are:
      • Group External ID - Provide the external ID for the group that this user
        should be the administrator for.
      • User External ID - Provide the external ID for a user. The logic here is then
        that whoever matches the provided ID should be set as admin for the group that this user belongs to according to the value provided for Group Member.
      • Third option sees this value transferred to the Group Data Object instead.
        (Read on for details)
    • Segment - Optional Value - Should contain a Segment External ID. This can
      relate to pre-existing segment either generated automatically via Segment Data Objects (As described later in this article) or manually directly in Winningtemp. But for the sake of simplicity, we often set
      up the logic that a segment without a matching value in WT will simply make the
      integration create a new segment with the value provided here as the ID. If any
      other users have the same Id, they would then be added to this new segment.
    • Status - Optional Value - Default format: Active/True/1 = Active,
      Inactive/False/0 = Inactive. Can be adjusted for other formats if required.
      Status, simply put, determines the Status of the user, which has a fundamental
      effect on their ability to utilize the service, as defined in the related article
      marked above as recommended reading. While syncing this value is optional,
      if you choose to do so, it will mean that all users must have a value provided
      here. It can’t be empty, unless an empty string is defined specifically as one of
      the possible values.
    • Language - Optional Value - Default format: Language Code, such
      as en-GB, sv-SE, etc. . Used to set the system language of a user, unless that
      user has a manually specified preference in their profile. _While syncing this
      value is optional, if you choose to do so, it will mean that all users must have a
      value provided here. It can’t be empty.
  • Group Data Object (Optional)
    • (Group) External ID - Mandatory Value - As mentioned in the section of the
      same name above, an external ID has to be a unique value that points to this
      group, now and in the future. It needs to be something that never, or rarely
      changes. The name of a department or team, or any other value generated
      from a name or location is generally not recommended for this very reason. A
      “neutral” value, such as Cost Center, or equivalent, is usually a better fit.
    • Group Name - Mandatory Value - The group name is what’s visible in the
      system. It’s used by the administrator to navigate the structure when analyzing
      results. And, it’s what a user sees in their overview.
      • Parent Group ID - Optional Value - While not strictly mandatory, this value is
        what determines the hierarchy of the group structure. An empty value here will
        simply make all groups sit on the same level, right below the organization as a
        whole. To resolve this, the value provided here needs to be the External ID of
        the group that lies above this one in the structure. Based on that simple
        relationship alone, we can create a hierarchy of any depth.
      • Group admin - Optional Value - As mentioned in the logic for setting group
        admin within the User Data Object. If the we move this value to the Group Data
        Object instead, assuming a User External ID, we can have the following logic:
        The user that matches this external Id should be group admin for this group.
  • Segment Data Object (Optional)
    • (Segment) External ID - Mandatory Value - As mentioned in the section of the
      same name above, an external ID has to be a unique value that points to this
      segment, now and in the future. It needs to be something that never, or rarely
      changes. As segments are generally a bit more static than users or groups, you
      don’t necessarily have to be as strict for segments. Often, segment name is
      simply used for the ID as well.
    • Segment Name - The segment name is what’s visible in the system. It’s used by
      the administrator to navigate to the segment when analyzing results.