Configuration Rules
All integrations have a set of rules that determine how certain actions should be performed during the sync.
User Removal Rule
Define the scope of users to be managed by the integration.
Two settings, all or only those users who have an external ID.
• All
• Only users with an external ID (default)
User Status Update Rule
Specifies whether the status of users should be managed by the integration or not. Can specify that inactive/paused users in WT are not re-activated by the integration, regardless of whether they are sent in the integration. (For example, in case of parental leave.)
• Overwrite (default)
• KeepInactive
Membership Update Rule
Define how user memberships are managed.
• Never (default): Will not affect manually created memberships.
• Overwrite: The integration controls all memberships, both synchronized (i.e. created by integration) and manually created connections. Manually created memberships will be deleted if they are not in the integration
• OverwriteIfRoleIsGreaterOrEqual: Will not change membership if a user is set as Admin on a group in Winningtemp and is sent as a regular User membership in the integration.
Segment Connection UpdateRule
Define how updating segment connections should be handled.
• Never (default) = Will not affect manually created segment connections
• Overwrite: The integration controls all segment connections, both synchronized (i.e. created by integration) and manually created connections. Manually created connections will be deleted if they are not in the integration.
Updated 8 months ago