Getting Started
Curious about an integration? This is how you get started.
Before we can embark on an integration project, you first need to establish the
Is this solution of interest to your organization?
This is most easily answered by reading the “Why integrate?”-section on the landing page.
If yes, you next need to determine what source system is available to you, and if it is a
viable source for this solution.
This might require a bit more sleuth work than the first question. But, we recommend
that you start with the section on “Integration Types”, referring to the relevant
documentation for individual steps in that article as needed.
After determining the source system and its viability, you are now ready to begin an
integration project.
To do so, please contact your Customer Success Manager, who will then provide you
with a supplementary integration agreement.
Once signed, an order will be placed internally to one of our technical project managers. This project manager will then contact you to begin the process.
While an initial meeting is included in the agreement, there are a few things we expect
from you before then:
- In the integration team, include an individual with a fundamental
understanding of how Winningtemp works, and with an idea of what actions you’d
want to automate. - In the integration team, include an individual with the technical understanding of the source system. Who knows how to retrieve the relevant data, export it, and automating that process.
- Be ready with a test file or screenshot that showcases the data we have to work with.
Updated about 2 months ago