
The integration with SAP SuccessFactors is a one-way-synchronization that updates employee data in Winningtemp from SAP SuccessFactors.


  • API user with permission to read users must be configured in SuccessFactors

By default, data is synchronized once a day at 01:00 UTC, but can be configured to be synchronized at any interval down to 15 min. After each sync, a summary can be configured to be sent to a specific email. The summary contains all the actions taken by the sync and logs any warnings or errors.


The following authentication flows are supported:

  • OAuth2, this is the recommended authentication flow. A SHA256RSA certificate is generated by Winningtemp and the public key is shared with SuccessFactors. API key is shared with Winningtemp.
  • Basic Authentication, username and password is shared with Winningtemp.

How to create an OAuth2 client registration in SuccessFactors

  1. Navigate to Admin Center and API Center
  2. Navigate to OAuth Configuration for OData
  3. Click on Register Client Application
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. Application Name: Winningtemp
    2. Application URL:
    3. Bind to Users (recommended): tick this box
    4. User IDs (recommended): enter the username of the API user from the prerequisities
    5. X.509 Certificate: paste the public key information shared by Winningtemp
  5. Click on Register
  6. You will be redirected back to your OAuth2 client applications. Find your newly created application and click on View
  7. Find the generated API key and share with Winningtemp

Entities that can be synchronized to Winningtemp


All users configured to be included in the OData user endpoint (/odata/v2/users) will be available for synchronization to Winningtemp. For each user the following standard fields are synchronized, but this can be customized:

  • External Id
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Username
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Employed since
  • Employed until
  • Title
  • Phone