
To generate a access token all you need to do is to include your ClientId and ClientSecret to your request headers.

Example on how to get an access token

For this example we have the following sample client credentials:

  • client_id: 3v6g5s6rfh3nj7ut8mq9rdbq16
  • client_secret: 1liuh3v3bmmhha8ud24l0ltrajvfdtjvtr9ficb1obv6p7frqh0b

Put the ClientId and the ClientSecret as header values.
ClientId: 3v6g5s6rfh3nj7ut8mq9rdbq16
ClientSecret: 1liuh3v3bmmhha8ud24l0ltrajvfdtjvtr9ficb1obv6p7frqh0b

A 200 Ok result will return a JSON object with the following properties:

  • access_token – A valid access token.
  • expires_in – The length of time (in seconds) that the provided access token is valid for.
  • token_type – Set to ” Bearer“.

Use access_token as a bearer token in subsequent calls to other endpoints

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!